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Once again we went looking on the Web and found some interesting things. We had been wondering just what wecan do with this phone. Guess it comes dow to 'what' you want to do and 'what' the phone can do.

 September 22nd, 2013 / 10:11pm  Well, we got interrupted. Our main machine died. Yep. The Mother Board flaked out. Still broken, waiting on parts. So, fortunately we had just made a backup copy over onto our Laptop. What a coincedence??? Or was it the Lord?? Won't know until we talk to Him later. But now on to the point of this page.

We have been following the CyanogenMod progress for our HTC ReZound and not so sure that it is for us. IF you are really into the latest and greatest, then it will possibly be for you. However, we have spent years on Operating System code for our 'puter (openSuSE) and really what has it gotten us?? Not a whole hell-a-va lot. No sooner got one version working and then they would come out with another. And lately we have been having 'trouble' with the newer code. -But- then we can't go back cause what we want won't work with the older code. Rock and a Hard Place.

Now we have this Smartphone that is doing the same thing. And we have the same problem, so to speak. Only this time the OS is changing almost every day!! Because of our background, we wanted to learn more about the Programming aspect of these phones. -But- do to the problems with our Main 'Puter and all the delays, changes and what not with the phones we haven't really made a lot of progress. Think that prior to the list of ROMs and Tools that we need to make a list of just what we want to do... and what we want to use. Do something with the phone besides the OS.

  1. Use it as a Phone, naturally.
  2. HTC time and Full Screen Weather.
  3. GPS
  4. MP3
  5. Camera
  6. Calculator
  7. Internet
  8. USB Connect to my 'Puters.

Those are the main things to have working. They are a combination of personal and Job related Apps. Anything else is either for Luxury or fun. And the Programming part is fun... most of the time.

Default REZOUND ROM LIST / MODS / Kernel / Recovery / Tool / Utility

Just an alphabetical centralized list for us Noobs: Copied from XDA-Developers

NOTE: If you have questions regarding a ROM, kernel, etc. Please click on the thread link and RESEARCH. Post your questions to that corresponding thread, you'll get your answers there.

General Issues:
ICS ROMs and the battery charging issue, possible cause?

CM Nightly Builds updated well...nightly LOL

CM9 Kangs (Beta) [4.0.4] [CDMA] updated 8.2.12

Cyanogenmod 9.0.0 Rezound Alpha 2 updated 2.12.12

Gnex port AOKP updated 1.18.12

Paranoid Android (Tablet/Hybrid/Regular) [CDMA] [ALPHA 2] [CM9] updated 8.3.12

Pure AOSP [4.0.3!!] Beta 2 updated 1.21.12

MIUI v4 2.7.6 Vigor Port v1.0.8 [GSM] [AROMA] updated 7.7.12

Stock Rooted ICS 4.0.3 - 3.10.605.13 updated 1.22.12

Stock Rooted RUU 3.13.605.7 / Both Firmwares! / S-ON or S-OFF! UP! updated 5.2.12

Stock Rooted RUU 3.14.605.5 / Truly De-Odexed! / Root works! updated 5.8.12

Vigor Shipped ROM Collection

HBoot Flashable RUU

ICS [3.11.605.22][Sense4.0]BAMF Evita v2.0 updated 4.17.12

ICS BAMF Rezound ICS v2.1 Official updated 4.2.12

ICS Base For All 3.10.605.7 [Sense 3.6][4.0.3] updated 2.6.12

ICS CleanROM 4.5 Standard / Pro -?| ICS 4.0.3 | Tweaks | Skins! |?- updated 5.10.12

ICS CONROM V4 [4.0.3 Sense 3.6+DeSense]Leaked OTA.DeBloated.Root.Aroma.Tweaks updated 6.17.12

ICS Ice Cream Sensation [Android 4.0.3] [Sense 3.5] Alpha 1 updated 1.15.12

ICS ICS Sense Redefined-Always Brilliant![Sense 3.6][4.0.3] updated 2.21.12

ICS Ineffabilis-Deus-v1.0.2-Odex-ICS 4.0.3 sense 3.6 "STABLE" updated 2.12.12

ICS Ineffabilis Deus v1.0 Sense 3.6 | Tweaks | 3.14.605.7 updated 5.12.12

ICS INJECTION 1.0 [ICS Sense 3.6 - 3.14.605.10] updated 7.30.12

ICS Liger Zero Jager blue [Sense][CDMA] Liger Zero Red updated 8.1.12

ICS MadSc1's SaLT ICS 4.0.3 v0.83 updated 4.17.12

ICS Newts OnE XxX RC 2.1 *LIVE!!!* (Sense 4 ICS 4.0.3) RC3 updated 5.25.12

ICS Nils' Business ICS 4.0.1 Sense 3.5 - V1.3 updated 2.6.12

ICS Nils' Business ICS 4.0.3 v5.7 Sense 3.6 (3.14.605.10 Latest Leak) updated 7.8.12

ICS Nils' Business ICS 4.0.3 Sense 4.0 v2.3 [Aroma Installer] updated 7.27.12

ICS OTA-ICS-Plus v.1.1 CDMA updated 8.6.12

ICS Rezound Zone - [4.0.3][ICS] - 5.21.12 - Leedroid Tweaks - [2.3.4][GB] - 5.11.12

ICS RezROM S4 v2.4 | EQS | S-OFF/S-ON | Evita Base | Sense 4.0 | Smooth updated 5.15.12

ICS RezROM Ex v3.4 | Better Than Ever | 3.11.605.22 updated 4.16.12

ICS RezROM ICS v1.2 - Mods, Mods and more MODS!! updated 1.27.12

ICS Simplistic 1.0 [ICS Sense 3.6 - 3.14.605.10] updated 7.28.12

ICS Rezound Maister Sense4 [GSM] [AROMA] v1.0 updated 6.19.12

ICS Rezound Pure GSM Sense 3.6 (RPG) [GSM] [AROMA] [v1.0] updated 6.18.12

ICS Team Venom presents: viperRez 1.0.2 - The most innovative Sense Rom ever! updated 7.18.12

ICS TwiZted SenZes ICS 4.0.3 Sense 3.6 v1.6 updated 5.22.12

ICS Venasaur Rom v3.2.0 updated 5.14.12

Gingerbread BAMF Rezound 1.02 (TeamBAMF website) updated 1.6.2012
THEME(S): Some Color For Our Rezound BAMF Rezound 1.2 Updated 1/9 (flexor224) updated 1.9.12

Gingerbread Rezound Zone - GBE 1.7.5 updated 3.3.12

Gingerbread Stock Rooted OTA ROM w/ Firmware updated 1.27.12

Gingerbread BAMF Rezound Cubed 1.0.2 Stockish and Themed! updated 1.27.2012
THEME(S): Some Color For Our Rezound BAMF Rezound 1.2 Updated 1/9 (flexor224) updated 1.9.12

Gingerbread Business GingerSense v1.5 updated 1.17.12

Gingerbread CleanROM GBE 1.6.5 *SP1* - Base: OTA 2.01.605.11 updated 2.3.12

Gingerbread Ineffabilis v1.3 Sense 3.5 | Beats | Tweaks | 2.01.605.11 updated 2.23.12

Gingerbread (?) InfectedROM - In Alpha Stage; will post link when Virus has it ready

Gingerbread Rezound Zone - 3.11.605.22 - Leedroid Tweaks updated 4.10.12

Gingerbread RezROM v1.6 - Reclaiming your Rezound updated 2.8.12

Gingerbread Stock Rooted WWE 1.02.605.6 updated 12.8.11

Gingerbread Twizted Senzes GB v1.2 updated 5.27.12

Adrenaline 2.0 [ICS De-Sensed 3.14.605.12] updated 8.5.12

ICS BAMF Senseless Preview 2 updated 4.4.12

ICS Chaos Beta 1 [Senseless] [CDMA] updated 7.2.12

ICS CleanROM Developer Edition 1.4 -?| ICS 4.0.3 | Tweaks | New Kernel |?- updated 5.9.12

ICS CleanROM Kang Tapped Edition V1.2 updated 4.10.12

ICS CleanRom Tapped Edition V1.1 updated 4.6.12

ICS De-Sensed-ish ICS v3.8 updated 1.26.12

ICS ICS 4.0.3 v3.0 (Xtreme Outcast) updated 3.11.12

ICS ICS Senseless Redefined-Beta[Sense 3.6][4.0.3] updated 2.20.12

ICS NeoMAX 1.5 5-Point Aosp Lock 3.14.605.10 updated 7.27.12

ICS Senseless-4.0.3-ICS-v1.0.0 updated 2.7.12

ICS Senseless Chaos RLS X1 [Senseless] [CDMA] updated 7.15.12

ICS SenselessROM 2.1 Beta 1 -=ICS Edition=- Fixes Galore! updated 1.26.12

ICS Slim Rom v1.9 Desensed/Tweaks/Rooted OTA 3.14.605.10 updated 7.24.12

ICS WolfROM v1.0 [Sense 4][CDMA] updated 7.10.12

Gingerbread Senseless ROM v1.1 updated 1.11.12

CDMA+LTE Links Live again for experienced users updated 4.21.12

Amon Ra style vigor Current version 3.15 in post #428
ClockworkMod Recovery
TWRP 2.1.1 for Rezound updated 5.8.14

Sense Kernel D's Kernel v.01 GINGERBREAD updated 5.26.12
AOSP Kernel Demonizing Kernelz GB/ICS Beta updated 1.14.12
Sense Kernel Incredikernel beta5 updated 2.19.2012
Sense Kernel Overclocked kernel 3.0.16 | v1.20 | OC 1836 MHz updated 3.10.2012
Sense Kernel Overclocked stock HTC kernel for Android ICS based ROMs updated 2.14.12
Sense Kernel Stock - 2.01.605.11 kernel with OTA from 1.26.12 updated 1.27.12
Sense Kernel Unsecured, OverClocked, with SmartAssV2 (dsb9938 - TeamBAMF website) updated 1.7.12
Sense Kernel Unsecured Stock (dsb9938 - TeamBAMF website) updated 12.29.11
Sense Kernel Ziggy471 Vigor GB Kernel updated 12.1.11 (post had date of Dec 1, 2011) - NOTE: If you get an error in Wifi after flashing a new ROM, flash the kernel again. Usually helps.

1/8 - Extended Quick Settings - Unlocked! No Location Icon updated 1.7.12
4 in 1 Reboot Menu with Extended Power Menu updated 12.31.11
DTR Throttle Remover updated 1.8.2012
Extended Quick Settings updated 1.17.12
High res camera ICS Sense 4 / 3.6 / Gingerbread updated 7.9.12
HTC Trace with Arrows v1.0 updated 1.12.12
Leedroid Tweaks v4 Lite for rezound
Rezound Boot Animations 1.11.12
SystemUI/verizon wireless gone/6 signal bars/branding updated 2.3.12
Turbo Prop v2.0 updated 6.2.2012

De-sense and Re-sense updated 12.29.11

Awesome Recovery Tool-> Touchscreen based PH98IMG Creator for your MainVer updated 2.14.12
Boot animation flasher & recovery tool updated 1.11.12
CleanFLASH 1.0 - Flash boot / recovery.img easily! updated 12.29.11
CleanTOOL 2.1.1 updated 12.12.12
HTC Misctool [Tool to read/write main version]
HTC Rezound All-In-One Toolkit V1.0
HTC Rezound S-Off All-In-One Toolkit v1.0 updated 6.6.12
IncrediControl updated 12.30.11
Temp Root Only & App Management Tool - Version 2 updated 12.4.11 (Has link for OneClickRoot for Permanent Root on unlocked bootloader phones)
Xtreme Android Tools V2.0 + Readme updated 1.16.12

Superwipe V1 + Ext4 Opt Superwipe V1 updated 11.9.11

Automatic Kernel Installation for S-ON Unlocked Devices (Has Sticky)
The Definitive Answer on Mainver Issues Read this if you get a Mainver Error when flashing boot.img
Fix Mainver Error updated 1.27.12
Flashing Splash Screens via Recovery updated 4.26.12
[HOW TO]get back to s on from juopunutbear s-off updated 4.22.12
Root Thread: Currently Unlocked Bootloader, S-ON and Perm Root (Has Sticky)
S-Off (FAQ) updated 4.22.12
S-off is Official!!! With Instructions... updated 4.21.12
Super-noob guide to unlocking, rooting, and flashing Ziggys kernel (Has Sticky)
Unlock Bootloader from HTCDEV.COM - Updated (Has Sticky)
Unlock Bootloader on Mac OS X - Rezound
Unrooting the rezound
You are Unlocked. Now What? Simple Guide for Recovery, Root, and Kernels. (Has Sticky)

Comprehensive Rezound apk List updated 3.5.12

HD Netflix
(Originally yanked for the Nexus but these guys tried it out for the Rezound)